Start Fires.

Change Tides.

Light Paths.

Jess Ridlen, Founder

Hit me up to learn more. 

Our happy clients


About Alchemy X

Alchemy X acts at the pivot points and crossroads moments, unlocking untapped potential, sparking innovation, driving meaningful change, and getting sh*t done. 

Founder Jess Ridlen does this through a portfolio of projects and partnerships that have been carefully curated to make maximum impact on the topics about which she’s most passionate.

These include leadership development, coaching, health equity and access, leveraging AI tools to accelerate performance, and launching social impact initiatives for women transitioning from significant life challenges. 

A portolio career

In the past year, I came to a point that may sound familiar: about halfway through a pretty excellent career, I started thinking about what I want to do with the rest of it. I started asking myself questions like. “what do I want to leave behind in this world?” and “what else is possible?”

After 25 years in the corporate world of pharma and biotech, I have gained experience in so many different areas, lived in different places in the US and abroad, and had the chance to work with incredible people. And I’ve learned to pay attention to signals and opportunities, so when this idea started to emerge, I noticed how things seemed to be coming together in a really interesting way.

I started to realize that I could take all of my experience, interests, and strengths and do something a little unconventional – a portfolio career. The concept is that a person combines several different projects, part-time roles, and other ventures to create a career that is exciting, fun, and offers a diversified portfolio of work.

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So, what’s in the portfolio?


Alchemy in Action

-Senior Advisor with Consulting Firms

-Crisis Management Book & Workshops

-Fractional Excultive work


Alchemy’s Edge

-The Edge: 1:1 partnerships with select clients

-The Lab: Curated, small groups of leaders – invitation only 

-The Hub: Premium coaching app 


Alchemy Uplifting

-Relay Events: Social impact programs for women transitioning from times of challenge

-Rise Events: VIP events for women in moments of power 

Connecting the two so Relays can Rise


Alchemy X

  • Podcast
  • Novel – The Unspoiled Queen 

A lot of the success of this adventure will be based on me being able to connect with my network to find the right opportunities – to find the storms and the experiments, the chaos and the crossroads. The problems people and organizations have been unable to solve or could use help to figure out. I’m starting by building the foundation with Activate and Sharpen, and then will Ascend and Grow. I would love for you to be a part of this, or to share with your network! 

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alchemy x the audience

alchemy x the audience

Alchemy X - The doers, the drivers, the the desperate, the dreamers, the discontent

The Risers

Alchemy X is for the discontent. The exceptional leaders like you — never done, never satisfied. You move with urgency, knowing the world shifts faster than we see. You recognize those critical moments when everything’s on the line, and you step in. It’s power, yes, but it’s also responsibility — a weight you’ve never once questioned. Your time with
loved ones is sacred, so you protect it fiercely.That’s why you can’t rest, but it’s also why you rise.

The Relay Squad

Alchemy X is also for those stepping out of the shadows. People who’ve faced what most will never endure — incarceration, addiction, domestic violence, gender transitions, chronic illness. You’ve taken that first step into the light but aren’t sure you belong there yet. You do. You’ve been running a desperate race, and suddenly someone hands you a baton. You realize it’s a relay now — sometimes you’re the one sprinting, sometimes you’re the one passing the baton. That’s when you fly.

Alchemy X is not for the content, it’s for the ones who are terrified, fatigued, inspired, driven, who want to do more and make a difference, who have taken different paths and lived lives of triumph and disaster. Welcome to Alchemy X.

Alchemy’s Edge

Jess and Alchemy X partner with experts Erin Long and Nathaniel Davies on Alchemy’s Edge offerings.

The Edge

A leader who is on the cutting edge of AI tools and LLMs, with experience in leadership, negotiations at any and every level, health equity, global partnerships, diversity & inclusion, and getting shit done.

With a network that can deliver any type of contact you need within 24 hours, working with ChatGPT and Claude just as effectively as she can find with the guy who can connect you with the woman who knows the person who can do the thing.

The Lab

Five exceptional leaders. Carefully curated to provide the best chemistry and connections. 

Six weeks of an intense, intimate immersion.

You’ll tackle those big questions you’re grappling with, build a network with incredible peers, and have an experience that will leave you forever changed.

Invitation only. 

You can apply to join our wait list here. 


The Hub

Premium asynchronous guidance tailored to your life, your schedule, your ambitions. Need a battle-tested advisor in your pocket? This is your direct line to game-changing insight when you need it most. Drop me a video message, get personalized feedback delivered back.

VIP content available, including exclusive interviews with world class speakers, negotiations tips, and more. 


Alchemy X proudly partners with Porsche Consulting and McChrystal Group


Jess and Alchemy X are proud to partner with Porsche Consulting and McChrystal Group.

Crisis Management

Crisis management training and simulations are available upon request.

Meet Our Collaborators

Nathaniel Davies

Key Collaborators for Alchemy's Edge

Erin Long

Key Collaborators for Alchemy's Edge

Visual Stories: A Glimpse Into Alchemy X

Discover key moments and stories of Alchemy X through our curated photo gallery.


Sonne choose to sail on smooth waters.

Others head straight into the stornm


Fire once meant survival.

Doesn’t it still?